Manicure Selection Errors - Unable to Select Manicure TypeUpdated 8 months ago
Here is a guide to the errors you could have received when trying to select a manicure type:
"Error Selecting Mani: Your device is currently in an error state. (e38)" - Your device is currently in an error state. Please contact our NimbleCare team to fix your Nimble device.
"Error Selecting Mani: Your device is currently busy. When ready for a manicure, the Power Button (left) and capsule button (right) will be white. You may then select your mani type. (e41)" - Your device is currently performing a process. Please wait until your device is ready for a manicure. If the Power Button (left) is red and the Paint Button (middle) is red, please contact our NimbleCare team.
"Error Selecting Mani: We could not select a manicure type because a manicure is currently in progress. (e40)" - You currently have a manicure in progress. You must complete the current manicure before beginning a new one.
"Error Selecting Mani: We were unable to reach your device. Please make sure your WiFi is connected and stable." - Your device is currently not connected to the internet. Please check the following and try again:
- Please ensure your location services are turned on so that the Nimble app can find your WiFi network.
- Please ensure your WiFi network is connected to the internet.
- Please ensure you have entered the correct password.
- Please ensure your screen is bright.