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"Error Resetting WiFi"Updated 3 months ago

"Your device is currently busy. When ready, the Power Button (left) and Capsule Button (right) will be white. You may then try resetting your WiFi." Your device is currently busy performing an update or wrapping up your manicure. When the Power Button (left) and Capsule Button (right) are both solid white, please try again.

"We could not reset your WiFi because a manicure is currently in progress." A manicure is currently in progress. Please wait until your manicure is completed or stop your manicure, and then try resetting your WiFi. 

"We could not reset your WiFi because your device is in an error state." Your device is currently in an error state. Please reach out to the NimbleCare team via the chat button below. 

"We were unable to reach your device. Please make sure your WiFi is connected and stable." The Nimble App was unable to reach your device. Please ensure your WiFi is connected and stable. 

If you have reset the WiFi on your phone but your Nimble is still connected to the network, you'll need to manually reset the WiFi on your Nimble. To reset your WiFi on your Nimble: 

  • Hold the Capsule (right) button for five seconds 
  • Then, hold down the Power (left) button, while still holding down the Capsule button 
  • You'll know the reset was successful when the Power button (left) on your Nimble is solid white and the Paint (center) button is solid red, with the WiFi icon blinking blue.
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